Custom design: success story with La Grande Épicerie de Paris

You've probably seen it on social media or during your gourmet Parisian walks for the 2023 Christmas holidays: the incredible signature dessert offered by La Grande Epicerie . But did you know that PETIT has something to do with it (a little bit, let’s be honest)?
PETIT’s contribution: a custom-made plastic mold

At the initiative of this creation, it was Pastry Chef Thibault Leroy who contacted the PETIT teams with the aim of creating a mold to create the base of his dessert.
In collaboration with the designer and the PETIT project manager, a mold meeting the specifications in terms of material, thickness, shapes and dimensions was proposed and validated by the Chef during discussions.
The design of the mold incorporates tearable ears which, once the cake has been placed in the freezer, allows it to be unmolded impeccably.
Produced in small batches specifically for La Grande Epicerie, the mold was used to make the base of this unique pastry.
The result: a signature dessert

For La Grande Épicerie, Thibault Leroy and his teams proposed a majestic dessert taking over the front of the Parisian store, rue de Sèvres.
Called “ Le Gâteau du Siècle ”, this gourmet dessert was offered in a format for 8 to 10 people throughout the end of 2023.
Its composition? Almond praline, crispy chocolate biscuit, gianduja mousse, vanilla Genoa bread, crispy Iranian pistachio nuts, Piedmont hazelnuts and Valencia almonds, almond mousse, praline jelly and spoon biscuit.... All a poem :) !
If you would like to find out more about this creation, the video of the cake assembly can be found on the La Grande Épicerie Instagram account .
Need a mold for a signature dessert?
Contact us using this form to tell us about your project or ideas, we will help you make it happen!

© Photos , SortiraParis , La Grande Epicerie