10 techniques to attract new customers to your bakery

by Gabriel de Boutique Petit
Practical guide: how to develop the turnover of your pastry shop?

The baking industry is highly competitive, and attracting new customers can be a challenge. However, with the right marketing strategies, you can boost awareness of your pastry shop and attract loyal customers.

In this article, we share with you 10 extracts of effective techniques for attracting new customers , combining physical and digital approaches.

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1. Offer free tastings and samples

Host tasting sessions at your bakery to allow potential customers to taste your delicious creations. Also offer free samples to take home, which will keep customers coming back to buy more.

2. Create an attractive storefront

Offer a wide range of pastries, highlighting unique and original creations. You can also stand out by offering cakes for all tastes and specific diets: gluten-free, vegan pastries, etc.

3. Focus on visual presentation

Pastries should be visually appealing. Set up a neat presentation of your products in your window: the icings must be perfectly smooth to have a professional appearance, the decoration and finishing of the cakes must be neat, and the presentation of your pastries in the window must make your customers want to visitors.

4. Host special events

Organize thematic events or pastry workshops in your establishment. This will attract attention and create excitement around your pastry.

5. Use social media

Create an active presence on social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. Share appetizing photos of your pastries and working techniques to show behind the scenes of your lab and highlight your teams, or even offer exclusive promotions, and interact with your subscribers to create a close relationship.

6. Set up a loyalty program

Reward your regular customers by implementing an attractive loyalty program. Offer discounts, special gifts or cumulative points for every purchase made at your bakery.

7. Collaborate with other businesses

Establish partnerships with cafes, restaurants or other complementary businesses close to your pastry shop. Offer cross-specials to mutually attract new customers.

8. Rely on word of mouth

Deliver an exceptional, high-quality customer experience because word-of-mouth remains one of the most powerful forms of recommendation. Encourage your satisfied customers to share their experience with those around them.

9. Update your Google Mybusiness listing

To have an online presence, the website seems obvious. But not always easy when you have neither the skills nor the time to update it. The minimum condition for your pastry shop to have visibility on the internet is to create a “Google Mybusiness” profile for it.

Make your pastry known thanks to Google my business

10. Use Targeted Online Ads

Invest in targeted online advertising, using platforms such as Google Ads or social media.

By using these 10 techniques, you can attract new customers to your cake shop and boost your business. Remember that customer satisfaction and the quality of your products remain essential to retain your customers and develop your reputation. Don't forget to measure the results of your marketing efforts and adjust your strategy based on customer feedback. Good luck with your baking business and winning new customers using these effective techniques!

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